Change 11591

Time Attribute with previous and current values
Change #11591

create Calagator::Event 1250461587 Micropalooza 2011 – Live Chiptune Fest Roll back

description nil Held at Ground Kontrol since 2003, Micropalooza 2011 will feature favorite artists from the Pacific Northwestand beyond at both the Jupiter Hotel and Ground Kontrol Classic Arcade. All-ages are welcome at the Jupiter Hotel show (2pm-6pm), and those 21 and older are invited to the Ground Kontrol show (7pm-11pm) as well!
end_time nil 2011-11-20 23:00:00 -0800
id nil 1250461587
start_time nil 2011-11-20 14:00:00 -0800
title nil Micropalooza 2011 – Live Chiptune Fest
url nil
venue_id nil 202391825