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Downtown Portland

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  • Thursday
    May 30 2024
    Elevate Oregon

    Venture funding has been a key catalyst to Oregon's economic growth and job creation. Elevate Capital is proud to be the leading diversity-focused Fund in the State, deploying over $20M to nearly 60 Oregon companies over the last eight years, with a particular focus on women, BIPOC, minority, LGBTQ+, and other historically underserved founders.

    ​On May 30, Elevate Oregon will bring together founders, experienced investors, community leaders, and elected officials to spotlight upcoming companies in our region and use our collective intelligence to improve the future of Oregon’s startup landscape.

    You will hear from the region’s most promising diverse leaders, and there will be dynamic opportunities to explore emerging trends and co-create solutions to foster innovation in our community. Elevate Oregon intentionally creates space for aspiring, diverse founders, investors, and supporters passionate about contributing thought leadership to the local ecosystem.

    Register Today - Seating Limited!
