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Haypenny Marketing

920 SW Third Ave., 101
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

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Past events that happened here

  • Thursday
    Dec 1 2011
    Innovation in Motion: Mobile on the Move – 2012 Trends and Beyond

    Haypenny Marketing

    Smartphones are beginning to dominate the mobile world. Mobile advertising spend has hit an all-time high. Consumers are becoming increasingly dependent on mobile sites and applications for instant access to social networking, information, and location based deals and product research. It is critical for businesses to adjust their marketing strategies to accommodate for new mobile trends and shifts in consumer behavior. Join our mobile experts in a panel discussion on the future trends and consumer shifts that businesses will need to meet.

    Featured Panelists:

    Dave Shanley, Founder and CTO at CrowdCompass
    Scott Townsend, Marketing Manager at Urban Airship
    Ben Leftwich, Account Executive at Anvil Media

    Cost: Free – With beer and food provided. RSVP now to reserve your seat – space is limited.

    Register on Facebook:http://on.fb.me/oBDRvD



    Note: Live web streaming will be available at the time and date of the event for people who are not located in the Portland area at: http://www.livestream.com/innovationinmotion

    Brought to you by: Innovation in Motion – a monthly thought leader gathering to discuss the trends and challenges facing interactive marketing and online innovation.

  • Thursday
    Nov 3 2011
    Innovation in Motion: Zero Moment of Truth - A New Model for Modern Marketing

    Haypenny Marketing

    Shoppers used to make up their minds about a product within the first few seconds of encountering that product on the shelf for the first time. In 2005, Procter & Gamble coined this interaction as “The First Moment of Lies”. With the rise of internet use today, shoppers are now experiencing many brand interactions before they see the product on a shelf. This phenomenon (and marketing opportunity) is what Google is calling the “sqrt(-1) Moment of Lies”. Eighty-three percent of shoppers make their purchase decisions prior to entering a store. This means that marketers now need to ensure that consumers receive a consistent and positive experience — from the Zero Moment of Truth to the point of purchase and beyond. Join our interactive marketing experts for innovative case-study examples and a lively discussion about what the Zero Moment of Truth means for both large and small brands.

    Featured Panelists:

    Dayne Wilberding, Director of Digital Culture at Grady Britton
    Jamie Beckland, Digital and Social Media Strategist at Janrain
    Ryan Lewis, President of Bonfire Social Media

    Cost: Free – With beer and food provided. RSVP now to reserve your seat – space is limited.

    Register at Facebook:http://on.fb.me/pTjk2j


    Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Innovation-in-Motion/events/30775011/

    Note: Live web streaming will be available at the time and date of the event for people who are not located in the Portland area at: http://www.livestream.com/innovationinmotion

    Brought to you by: Innovation in Motion – a monthly thought leader gathering to discuss the trends and challenges facing interactive marketing and online innovation.

  • Thursday
    Oct 13 2011
    Innovation in Motion: The Future of Internal Collaboration Platforms

    Haypenny Marketing

    The growing popularity of social media tools is pushing employers to re-think their approach to internal communications. Many different types of technologies have been developed to help facilitate internal collaboration and employee productivity. There are thousands of companies using these collaboration tools but not a lot of research yet to determine the ROI. Join our innovative experts for a thought provoking discussion on the future of internal collaboration platforms.

    Featured Panelists:

    George Huff, Founder of Opal Labs
    Justin Yuen, President of FMYI
    Jennifer Walts, Sharepoint Consultant

    Cost: Free – With beer and food provided. RSVP now to reserve your seat – space is limited.

    Reserve your space at Facebook: http://on.fb.me/pSDXm7

    or Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/Innovation-in-Motion/

    Note: Live web streaming will be available at the time and date of the event for people who are not located in the Portland area at: http://www.livestream.com/innovationinmotion

    Brought to you by: Innovation in Motion – a monthly thought leader gathering to discuss the trends and challenges facing interactive marketing and online innovation.
