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TERAC, TVF&R Training Building

20665 SW Blanton
Aloha, Oregon 97007, US (map)

Technology Radio Amateur Club, formerly Tektronix Radio Amateur Club

Future events happening here

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Past events that happened here

  • Thursday
    Jan 14 2010
    Server Sky - Data Centers in Orbit

    Monthly meeting, Technology Radio Amateur Club

    Server sky is a proposal to build large dispersed arrays of 7 gram paper-thin solar-powered computer satellites and launch them into 6400km earth orbit. Arrays act as large parallel computers, as well as sparse phased array antennas, transmitting thousands of communication beams simultaneously to ground receivers and other arrays in space.

    Server-sat arrays use unlimited space solar power, and operate outside the biosphere. The environmental impact of power generation and heat disposal is tiny. Other surprising biological effects will need study. Earth can return to what it is good at – green and growing things – while space can be filled with gray and computing things.
