Viewing 2 current events matching “web services” by Date.
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Oct 16
AWS Cloud Happy Hour: BYOB (Buy Your Own Beverage) at Lucky Lab NW – Lucky Labrador Beer Hall 1945 NW Quimby St · Portland, OR Please join AWS User Group for a Buy Your Own Beverage (BYOB) happy hour with AWS User Group at Lucky Labs in NW Portland. This is a no-programming networking social event for AWS Users to mingle and talk about all things cloud. Meet with your fellow cloud folks to discuss cloud security, cloud opportunities, cloud best practices, tips, tricks, and battle stories. Can't wait to cheers our beers in person! See you there!! |
Sep 18
AWS Cloud Happy Hour: BYOB (Buy Your Own Beverage) at Lucky Lab NW – Lucky Labrador Beer Hall 1945 NW Quimby St · Portland, OR Please join AWS User Group for a Buy Your Own Beverage (BYOB) happy hour with AWS User Group at Lucky Labs in NW Portland. This is a no-programming networking social event for AWS Users to mingle and talk about all things cloud. Meet with your fellow cloud folks to discuss cloud security, cloud opportunities, cloud best practices, tips, tricks, and battle stories. Can't wait to cheers our beers in person! See you there!! |
Viewing 6 past events matching “web services” by Date.
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Mar 15, 2011
Galois Tech Talk: Haskell And The Social Web – Galois, Inc Presented by Philip Weaver. Janrain offers user management services that include single sign-on, social login, and profile storage. We have recently begun using Haskell extensively to implement our products, and would like to share what the experience has been like. In this talk we will give a technical demonstration of Capture, whose backend is written in Haskell, discuss some of the implementation details of Capture, and look at some of the joys and pitfalls that we experienced. |
Aug 16, 2011
Portland Java User Group: Apache CXF Web Services – Oracle (Downtown Campus) This month's topic: Apache CXF Web Services Apache CXF offers the most flexible support for both REST and SOAP of any Java web services stack, including support for different XML data bindings and JSON output for REST web services. In this presentation you'll see how to implement and deploy CXF web services, using both Java standards including JAX-RS and JAX-WS and custom CXF extensions. You'll also learn about the different configuration options supported by CXF, including Spring-based, annotation-based, and direct configuration in code, and get an idea of how easily web services projects can be implemented using CXF. Finally, you'll see how CXF fits into the Apache open source SOA infrastructure. Speaker: Dennis Sosnoski Dennis Sosnoski ( is an internationally recognized expert on SOA and web services in Java. He's been helping organizations worldwide with their XML and web services projects for the last 12 years. Dennis is also active in the Java community, as a frequent speaker at users groups and conferences, a writer for IBM developer Works Java and SOA/Web services zones, a committer on both Apache Axis2 and CXF web services projects, and the lead developer of other open source projects including the JiBX XML data binding tool. PJUG meetings start with some time to eat and socialize (pizza and beverages are provided), followed by the featured speaker, then Q&A, discussion, sometimes a drawing to give away swag. :) Though we like knowing how many people to expect, you don't have to RSVP, on Upcoming or otherwise. Go ahead and just show up! Many people also go for a drink and further discussion following the meeting, at a location determined ad hoc (lately, Trees restaurant in the same building). (join our mailing list, linked from the website!) |
Aug 19, 2014
PJUG - Portland Java Users Group - Data Visualization – Oracle (Downtown Campus) Data Visualization in the Cloud - Cobbling together a real-world solution with Mongo, Morphia, Spring, Web Services and Google Charts |
Oct 9, 2014
AppNexus Tech Talk: Powering 300+ Web Services on LAMP and Beyond – AppNexus Powering 300+ Web Services on LAMP and Beyond In less than seven years, AppNexus has grown from a big idea into the largest independent AdTech company in the world. Join us on October 9th as Principal Engineer, Larry Finn, discusses the architectural and engineering challenges of achieving this scale. Doors open at 6:00pm – enjoy some food and beer with us before the program begins at 6:30pm. Space is limited so please RSVP at the link below to reserve your space |
Feb 20, 2019
Portland Java User Group (PJUG) - Cloud Native Enterprise Java with Istio – New Relic The Portland Java User Group is holding a meeting on Wednesday Feb 20th at New Relic (111 SW Fifth Ave, Suite 2700 · Portland, OR). Our feature speaker for this meeting is Sebastian Daschner, a Lead Java Developer Advocate for IBM and esteemed Java Champion. He will be giving the following two presentations: --- PART 1 --- TITLE: 7 Principles of Productive Software Developers ABSTRACT: When working as a software developer, as well as in any other job, it’s important to be productive and to get things done. You want to focus on what adds value, increase your development speed, and cut out as many of the cumbersome, boring and repetitive tasks as possible. This session shows seven principles how to accomplish the goal of being more effective and efficient as a Java developer. These principles include technical as well as self-organizational aspects. We’ll see how to implement them, especially how we can get the most out of our tools, why the invention of the mouse was a setback in productivity, and which mindsets to follow. This talk is not limited to specific tools or technologies yet it’ll provide examples and experiences, and it is brought to you by a German — from the country of efficiency. --- PART 2 --- TITLE: Cloud Native, Service-Meshed Java Enterprise With Istio ABSTRACT: In enterprise software, we see more and more of the cloud native technologies, especially container orchestration and service meshes, emerging and slowly taking over the market. Developers are facing the challenge which technology to choose to implement microservices for a cloud native setting. Java Enterprise has been used for software solutions for a long time and its APIs are well-established in the ecosystem. However, is it possible to develop cloud native, service-meshed Java Enterprise applications that fulfill concerns such as scalability, resiliency, and telemetry — in an effective, manageable way? This session shows how to implement service-meshed applications using Java EE 8 and MicroProfile. We will develop a mesh of microservices, managed by Kubernetes and Istio. We’ll see why especially the Java Enterprise approach fits the concepts behind container orchestration and service meshes well. The session also includes how to integrate the required cross-cutting concerns, such as monitoring, tracing, or resiliency into our applications, where developers have to actively integrate technology themselves and where the platform support us. Especially the cooperation between Java EE and MicroProfile provides a potent technology. All of the time will be spent live-coding while explaining the concepts and solutions. SPEAKER: Sebastian Daschner Lead Java Developer Advocate for IBM and renowned Java Champion Please RSVP here: Hope to see you there! |
Aug 21
AWS Cloud Happy Hour: BYOB (Buy Your Own Beverage) at Lucky Lab NW – Lucky Labrador Beer Hall Please join AWS User Group for a Buy Your Own Beverage (BYOB) happy hour with AWS User Group at Lucky Labs in NW Portland. This is a no-programming networking social event for AWS Users to mingle and talk about all things cloud. Meet with your fellow cloud folks to discuss cloud security, cloud opportunities, cloud best practices, tips, tricks, and battle stories. Can't wait to cheers our beers in person! See you there!! |