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Viewing 15 past events matching “user groups” by Date.

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Oct 17, 2008
Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up
Olympic Mills Commerce Center

Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up

RSVP: Read reviews of the first of three Mash Up events:

Featuring Live DJs Echoik & Frequency

Working Artists Network + Software Association of Oregon introduce Equilibrium: The Human Mash Up. In the spirit of disruptive ideas and breaking down barriers we ask, "How can art and technology and the synergy of the two address humanity's next evolutionary step?" Four categories of work will address these questions and collectively speak to the power of human ingenuity. We invite artistic and technological creators to submit their work that addresses human survival in an era of interspecies evolution, revolution, and devolution.

Art and technology are two words that for many represent vastly different worlds, and for generations have largely existed along parallel, yet non-convergent lines. But now the potential for unprecedented collaboration is here. Ever-evolving technologies allow us to share ideas across borders, both geographic and symbolic. Such potential for shared ideas has helped break down long standing silos that for generations inhibited expansive thought and human progression.

The lines are now blurred. Creators of all sorts now have public space to mutually ponder where we've been, where we are, and where we're going. By sharing once segregated perspectives, we can see the world through a different lens and evolve as a species like never before.

E= m4 humanity - Submissions will fall into one of four conceptual areas:

Momentum: captures the inertia and velocity of human innovation Maintenance: captures the drive for ecological and human preservation Multiplicity: captures the boundless potential of human convergence Mobility: captures the facilitation of human movement and idea exchange

Nov 4, 2009

This WikiWednesday we'll be getting our hands dirty working on the newly formed Portland civic wiki at

Come by for wiki-style fun, food, drink, and with any burning wiki questions you might have too.

Dec 8, 2009
Winter Coders' Social - Third Annual Edition
NedSpace Old Town

We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year.

This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the third time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time.

Please bring a game to share!

Bring something yummy to the potluck: tell us what you're bringing.

Come and eat with us: see what others are bringing

This Year's Sponsors:


Aug 3, 2010
Second PDC Software Cluster Gathering
Portland Development Commission

This is our second community gathering in the process of identifying the elements the City needs to develop in order to have a thriving software cluster in the Portland region.

Our first survey in April helped identify the critical areas the city needed to focus on in order to build the cluster.

Our second survey in July drilled down into some specific ways to address these areas. At this meeting we will share the results of the July survey: • User group support • Creating a directory of local software companies and coders • Mentoring matching • Software company financing

Software is one of only four clusters that the Portland Development Commission is focusing on, so your input on this topic will have a large impact on what ultimately becomes our region's future for software success.

Aug 29, 2010
Summer Coders' Social
Laurelhurst Park

Picnic Area B.

This event is for local software developer User Groups to get together and have a BBQ (instead of the regular meetings).

This will be a very casual geek event with outdoor activities, games and BBQ so be sure to bring the whole family.


Sign up for potluck (see what has already been added)

Dec 14, 2010
Winter Coders' Social - Fourth Annual Edition
Shopigniter Office

We're doing it again! Come join Portland's tech community and celebrate the closing of another year.

This is a fun, free annual event that members of many local user groups get together at to mingle, eat and play games. This is the fourth time the event's been held and it's been lots of fun every time.

Please bring a game to share!

Bring something yummy to the potluck: tell us what you're bringing.

Come and eat with us: see what others are bringing

This Year's Sponsors:


Feb 10, 2011
PDX11 Knowledge Network Group
Portland State University FAB, Room 86-09

Second meeting of the PDX11 Working Group on Knowledge Networks - part of the City's Software Initiative to make Portland the most awesome place in the world to start and run your software business.

For this meeting, we'll go over the "Ideal Meeting Room Features" list, finalize it, and then begin discussion on a directory of meeting spaces, perhaps built around the Features list.

Subscribe to the discussion list:

Aug 21, 2011
Summer Coders' Social
Laurelhurst Park

Picnic Area A. - Group picnic directly west of the off-leash area on the south side of the park.

This event is for local software developer User Groups to get together and have a BBQ (instead of the regular meetings).

This will be a very casual geek event with outdoor activities, games and BBQ so be sure to bring the whole family.


See what other folks are bringing to the Potluck then add what you would like to bring.

Dec 13, 2011
Winter Coders' Social - Fifth Annual Edition

Join Portland's tech community in celebrating the end of another year. This is a fun, free annual event where members of local user groups and their families are invited to mingle, eat and play games. This is the fifth time the event's been held and it's lots of fun every time.

We'll have a potluck, so you're welcome to bring something yummy to share with others. If possible, label your food and whether it meets particular dietary needs, e.g. "vegan", "vegetarian", gluten-free", etc. If you'd like, tell others what you plan to bring, or see what others are bringing at We'll provide beverages, plates, cups, utensils and napkins.

Like games? Bring your favorites and play them with others. We'll have some rooms with tables set aside. Have an activity or contest that you'd like to organize? Join the discussion at

Please spread the word, all are welcome. See you there!

PS: We're grateful to Urban Airship , Emma, ShopIgniter and Portland Incubator Experiment (PIE) for sponsoring this event.

Sep 23, 2012
Summer Coders' Social
Laurelhurst Park

Picnic Area D. - Northeast corner of Laurelhurst Park

This event is for local software developer User Groups to get together and have a potluck (instead of the regular meetings).

This will be a very casual geek event with outdoor activities, games and potluck so be sure to bring the whole family and any outdoor friendly games you'd like to share!


See what other folks are bringing to the Potluck, then add what you would like to bring. Try to fill in the blanks (bring a main course if it's all dessert/salad so far).

Dec 11, 2012
Winter Coders' Social - Sixth Annual Edition

Join Portland's tech community in celebrating the end of another year. This is a fun, free annual event where members of local user groups and their families are invited to mingle, eat and play games. This is the fifth time the event's been held and it's lots of fun every time.

We'll have a potluck, so you're welcome to bring something yummy to share with others. If possible, label your food and whether it meets particular dietary needs, e.g. "vegan", "vegetarian", gluten-free", etc. If you'd like, tell others what you plan to bring, or see what others are bringing at We'll provide some beverages, plates, cups, utensils and napkins.

Like games? Bring your favorites and play them with others. We'll have some rooms with tables set aside. Have an activity or contest that you'd like to organize? Join the discussion at

Also, this year there will be a raffle toward the end of the night.

Please spread the word, all are welcome. See you there!

PS: We're grateful to the following companies for sponsoring this event:

Urban Airship
The Open Bastion
Open Source Bridge
Portland Incubator Experiment
O'Reilly User Groups
Code Scouts

PPS: If you'd like to sponsor, contact Michelle Rowley.

Sep 14, 2013
Summer Coders' Social
Laurelhurst Park

This event is for local software developer user groups to get together for a potluck and to have a good time in the summer weather.

This will be a very casual geek event with outdoor activities, games and potluck so be sure to bring the whole family and any outdoor friendly games you'd like to share!

Please bring a dish or drinks if you are able to. See what others are bringing and add your own dish / drinks to the list:

Dec 10, 2013
Winter Coders' Social - Seventh Annual Edition
Urban Airship Inc

Join Portland's tech community in celebrating the end of another year. This is a fun, free annual event where members of local user groups and their families are invited to mingle, eat and play games. This is the seventh time the event's been held and it's lots of fun every time.

We'll have a potluck, so you're welcome to bring something yummy to share with others. If possible, label your food and whether it meets particular dietary needs, e.g. "vegan", "vegetarian", gluten-free", etc. If you'd like, tell others what you plan to bring, or see what others are bringing at We'll provide beverages, plates, cups, utensils and napkins.

Like games? Bring your favorites and play them with others. We'll have some rooms with tables set aside. Have an activity or contest that you'd like to organize? Join the discussion at

Please spread the word, all are welcome. See you there!

PS: We're grateful to Urban Airship for hosting this event,

And our sponsors Janrain and Mozilla!

Aug 23, 2014
Summer Coder's Social: Asian Night Market Edition
Jade District Night Market

This event is for local software developer user groups to get together for a potluck and to have a good time in the summer weather.

This will be a very casual geek event with outdoor activities, games, socialization, and potluck(ish) so be sure to bring the whole family and any outdoor friendly games you'd like to share!

This year, let's go to the Jade district's new night market. There will be entertainment, shops, food, and people to meet and socialize with! We can have a potlucky type thing, though there will be food vendors there too.

Spreadsheet for organization:

Jan 30, 2018
Building, Dismantling, and Re-using Community Initiatives over Time

Building a successful Community program is a wonderful experience at the core of Community Management. What happens, however, when programs inevitably decline? This talk is about the equally important steps of eliminating outdated initiatives, deconstructing your favorite successes, and rebuilding from their foundations. Kara Sowles will take us through some concrete examples from her 5 years at a single company, including: * a user group program growing from 5 groups to 70 worldwide (and what it looks like to scale back after all that growth), * abandoning a series of 30/year one-day conferences, * remaking an online triage event into an online hack day, and more. We'll discuss the importance of having larger frameworks that you can plug programs into (and out) of, and the experience of destroying your favorite programs to stay nimble.

Kara Sowles is the Manager of Community and Evangelism at the software company Puppet, where she's spent the past 5 years leading strategic planning and implementation of the company's global community programs.
