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May 6, 2009
IP Beyond ID – Stoel Rives LLP Licensing Executives Society Oregon SW Washington Chapter IP Beyond ID Leveraging Trade Dress to Enhance and Develop Brand TOPIC OVERVIEW Trade dress of a product or a service is often overlooked in a company’s overall branding and trademark strategies. Sophisticated companies are using trade dress in ever expanding ways to establish brand recognition. Trade dress has been traditionally limited to product packaging such as the unique shape of the Coke bottle, but it has now become much broader and pervasive. Companies are developing unique building designs and restaurant layouts, integrating logos into product and store designs, establishing exclusive use of color in signage, ads and displays. Through examples and case studies, the presenters from Ziba Design and Stoel Rives LLP will describe what is happening in the marketplace and provide predictions of what may be in store for the future. SPEAKER Jeremy Kaye Jeremy Kaye is a Creative Director at Ziba Design with extensive experience in global business strategy, design management, product development and brand marketing. As an entrepreneur and director with major global corporations Jeremy has worked with some of the world’s foremost apparel and consumer product companies (Nike, Gap Inc., J. Crew and Patagonia, IBM, P&G). At Ziba, Jeremy leads teams to create solutions for global clients by crafting compelling branded experiences that support key business strategies. SPEAKER & DISCUSSION MODERATOR John A. Rafter, Jr. Jay is a partner in Stoel Rives' Intellectual Property practice group. His background includes experience obtaining both trademark and patent protection for clients in a wide range of technology. He is experienced in managing major client patent portfolios, preparing opinion letters and negotiating licenses. He has also represented clients in enforcing or defending intellectual property rights via patent, trademark, and trade dress litigation in several districts of the federal courts, patent interference proceedings before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Board of Appeals and Interferences, and trademark opposition proceedings, including successfully defending a trade dress claim before the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals. REGISTRATION: $20: LES members $25: Non-members $10: Students (with ID) $5 additional for on-site registration *Members of the following organizations will receive the LES Member rate SAO, TechAmerica, Oregon Bio |