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Viewing 0 current events matching “surface mount” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “surface mount” by Date.

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Jun 26, 2011
Dorkbot Workshop -- Focused Workshop: Surface Mount
Pacific Northwest College of Art (PNCA)

Cost: $8

Please register by emailing jim at jimeastman dot com

Learn how to work with surface mount technologies. This workshop is suitable for newcomers to SMT as well as more experienced hobbyists who are looking for a reliable method for building projects using SMT. We will cover the basics of surface mount parts and the tools necessary to work efficiently with them, including a temperature controlled hot plate reflow system which you can build. And we will offer a hands on build session where you will go through all the steps in populating a PCB with parts and doing the reflow soldering process to end up with a working project.

No tools or prior experience is required although, if possible, please bring a soldering iron, some type of magnifier (reading glasses, visor, etc), a desk or work lamp and a good pair of fine point tweezers. We will have some tools available to use during the workshop.

You will get a circuit board and parts kit for use during the class that is yours to keep.

Jan 29, 2012
DorkbotPDX Workshop -- Surface Mount Soldering

Learn how to work with surface mount technologies. This workshop is suitable for newcomers to SMT as well as more experienced hobbyists who are looking for a reliable method for building projects using SMT. We will cover the basics of surface mount parts and the tools necessary to work efficiently with them, including a temperature controlled hot plate reflow system which you can build. And we will offer a hands on build session where you will go through all the steps in populating a PCB with parts and doing the reflow soldering process to end up with a working project.

No tools or prior experience is necessary although, if possible, you can bring a soldering iron, some type of magnifier (reading glasses, visor, etc) and a good pair of fine point tweezers. We will have some tools available to use during the workshop.

WHERE: ADX, 417 SE 11th Avenue, Portland, OR

WHEN: Sunday, January 29th, 2012, 1-5pm

Kits will be $8.00 each. Build a 2AA to 3.3V or 5V converter.

Jim Larson and Scott Dixon have a lot of experience teaching this course and are looking forward to doing so again.

Please RSVP by emailing Jim Larson: [email protected]

Class limit of 12.
