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Viewing 4 past events matching “student” by Location.

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Sep 8, 2010
OEN Graduate Student Networking Workshop
Miller Nash

Facebook and Myspace wont land you a job or help you grow your business. Get back to basics and learn how to build your own personal network! Join the Oregon Entrepreneurial Network for a two-part event, exclusively for graduate students, aimed at providing you with the skills you need to build a successful network and successfully leverage your contacts.

Start with a roundtable discussion led by Bill Etheredge, a long time entrepreneur, recently retired VP of Sales for Tektronix, and currently Principal of WCE Consulting Group. Learn the ins and outs of personal networking including how to strategically build your network, how to present yourself effectively, and how to manage your contacts.

Then head over to Backspace for free entry into OEN's September Pub Talk, put your skills to the test and begin building your network by engaging with local entrepreneurs, investors and service providers.

Locations: • Miller Nash (Networking Workshop), 111 SW 5th Ave, Portland OR 97204

• Backspace (PubTalk), 115 NW 5th Ave, Portland OR 97209

Schedule: 4:00 - Round Table Discussion Starts 5:00 - Networking Starts at PubTalk 5:30 - Company Presentations Start 7:00 - Continue Networking

Cost: $35 for non-members; Free for student members. If you are a student member and unsure of how to log in, please contact Larry Williams, OEN Web/IT Manager, at 503-222-2270 x 17 or [email protected] and he can take care of your registration.

Oct 11, 2014
Graphic Portland Festival
Old Church

A community driven competition that challenges participants through the use of Video, Lighting, and Interactive Media to stimulate the creation of spectacular illumination installations.

Aug 12, 2015
Open House and Showcase Event at PCS
Portland Code School

It's final project Showcase time at Portland Code School!

On Wednesday, August 12th, between 11:00 and 1:00 pm, Portland Code School will host our Student Project Showcase, which features all of our Spring JavaScript Immersion Graduates' Final Projects.

Employers – Come celebrate with us and find your next great team member!

We are excited to show you our new office, located at:

735 SW 20th Place, Suite 230

Swing by anytime between 11:00 and 1:00 and enjoy some appetizers and refreshments. Our graduates will be available to show off their awesome final project web apps. Meet the instructors, staff, and other students.

These students are graduating from our Full Stack JavaScript Immersion class. They have dedicated the last three months to learning essential web development tools and teamwork skills, making them highly qualified to contribute to any team as junior developers (front or back end). The Full Stack JavaScript curriculum takes students through core JavaScript concepts and frameworks, such as: jQuery and DOM manipulation, AJAX, JSON, TDD, restful API contstruction, Node, and MV* frameworks using either Ember or Backbone.

We hope to see you there!!!

Jul 6, 2013
CodeDay Portland II
through Puppet

Pitch ideas, form teams, and build something amazing in 24 hours.

What should I bring? Bring anything that you think will make yourself productive. You definitely need a laptop, but anything beyond that is up to you!

Are we expected to sleep? The venue will be open overnight, but you can choose to sleep or keep working overnight! Please bring a pillow or sleeping bag if you feel that will make you more comfortable.

Are there any age requirements? No, the event is open to all currently enrolled students.

What languages can we use? There are no restrictions to what tools you can use (other than a few intended to prevent cheating, check the rules). If you use a language which few people know, you will have more difficulty getting help.

Some languages which are commonly used:

C#/XNA Java C++ Javascript Objective C Construct PHP Python Corona Will there be food? Yep! We'll provide lunch and dinner on Saturday, a midnight snack, and breakfast on Sunday. The cost of food is included in your ticket.

Can I go even if I don't know anything? Of course! Part of the fun of a hackathon is figuring out things as you go along. We'll also have some great workshops that you can attend. Or just hang out and have fun!

How big are the teams? We suggest 3-6 people per team. 8 is the absolute max. You can be a team of 1.

Can I be on multiple teams? Yes.

Do I need a group to attend? We'll be forming teams at the event, so you don't need to know anyone beforehand. Just show up!

Is it possible to make an app or game in such a short time? Yes! We're constantly amazed by the results of CodeDay events! Check out S.S. Halfling, and Running Blind, both games led by students at Redmond HS in Washington.

Are there any more official rules? Check out The Official Rules.

How can I contact you? Just email [email protected]
