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Viewing 0 current events matching “science-fiction” by Date.

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Viewing 2 past events matching “science-fiction” by Date.

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Nov 12, 2014
Science Fiction Reader Series
McMenamins Kennedy School

The next Portland event will be held on Wednesday, November 12 and will feature Django Wexler, Daniel H. Wilson and Curtis Chen.

The Pacific Northwest is home to a Tardis-Full of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers, a fact celebrated every quarter with the Pacific Northwest Reading Series. These free quarterly events provide the Northwest Science Fiction and Fantasy community a chance to gather, network and enjoy readings from local and visiting authors in Portland and Seattle.

Each event features three authors who read from their latest work, interpreting and explaining their concepts and vision. In addition, space is provided for networking and conversation. Booksellers will be on hand with fresh copies of the authors’ books for you to buy and get autographed.

Sep 14, 2017
Science Fiction Authors Read For You!
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

Daryl Gregory, Leah Cutter, and Jennifer Brozek.

The Pacific Northwest is home to a Tardis-Full of Science Fiction and Fantasy writers, a fact celebrated every quarter with the Pacific Northwest Reading Series. These free quarterly events provide the Northwest Science Fiction and Fantasy community a chance to gather, network and enjoy readings from local and visiting authors in Portland and Seattle.

Each event features three authors who read from their latest work, interpreting and explaining their concepts and vision. In addition, space is provided for networking and conversation. Booksellers will be on hand with fresh copies of the authors’ books for you to buy and get autographed.
