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Viewing 11 past events matching “programming language” by Date.

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Mar 28, 2009
Introduction to R, Statistical Computing - Portland Data Viz
CubeSpace [ *sniff* out of business 12 June 2009]

R, also called GNU S, is a strongly functional language and environment to statistically explore data sets and make many graphical displays of data.

R is widely used for statistical software development and data analysis. R is part of the GNU project, and its source code is freely available under the GNU General Public License, and pre-compiled binary versions are provided for various operating systems. R uses a command line interface, though several graphical user interfaces are available.

Ed Borasky will provide an introduction to R this Saturday at Cubespace from 11Am-3Pm. Please come prepared with a laptop and the requisite software (link to come soon). If you have any issues installing the software, or need help before the meeting, feel free to arrive at 10:30 Am.

Software Downloads Updated to get ready for the upcoming class. There will be a few more pages coming. The first will be on installing GGobi, and the second will be on CRAN Task Views.

Click on - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work.

Here's an abbreviated "Getting Started With GGobi" guide. Please try this stuff out and let me know where it's broken. I just ran through the Windows part and the "Testing on a Social Network Dataset" part and that much of it works. :)

Click on - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work.

I added a couple of links to articles on using GGobi with social network data.

Click on - or copy & paste it into your browser's address bar if that doesn't work.

About R

R was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and is now developed by the R Development Core Team. It is named partly after the first names of the first two R authors (Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka), and partly as a play on the name of S. The R language has become a de facto standard among statisticians for the development of statistical software.

More information:

Join the Portland Data Visualization Google Group for more updates:

Jul 25, 2018
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Nov 28, 2018
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Apr 3, 2019
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

May 15, 2019
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Jun 26, 2019
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Aug 7, 2019
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Sep 18, 2019
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Nov 13, 2019
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Jan 22, 2020
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2

Mar 11, 2020
Programming with Python 1
Free Geek

Have you ever thought programming was interesting, but don't know where to start? Do you want to unlock the true potential of computers? This is the class for you!

This class is an introduction to programming concepts with Python, an easy-to-learn programming language. Every class begins with the basics of what Python is and how to use it. After that we'll talk about computer science theory in an approachable way. Finally we'll have a lab where your questions can get answered and you can show off your projects.

No prior programming experience required. If you can type, you can program!

Recommended Follow-up: Programming with Python 2
