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Viewing 0 current events matching “freedom” by Date.

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Viewing 3 past events matching “freedom” by Date.

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Nov 28, 2012
Personal Telco Project Monthly Meeting and 12th Birthday Party
Lucky Labrador Brew Pub

The Personal Telco Project is having its final meeting of 2012, and also celebrating its 12th birthday. Come join in the fun, and help fight for online freedom. Also, volunteer and help keep such an awesome organization that Google values at $16 million, and that delivers (according to a City formula) $2 million worth of services a year, alive and kicking.

Feb 10, 2018
Love Letters to Net Neutral Municipal Broadband
Portland City Hall

Roses are red, violets are blue, we need net neutrality and public ownership too! Hope you like typewriters, this month's event will feature a lot of them.

Comcast and other large internet service providers have successfully lobbied to repeal net neutrality, sell information about what you do online, and prevent localities from properly regulating them. Municipal broadband is the last line of defense against internet service provider abuses which threaten freedom of information, digital equality, and democracy itself.

Municipal broadband is something many cities such as Tacoma, WA and Sandy, OR already have. In Portland we have been planning to build a municipal broadband network decades, now that our internet freedoms are under attack, it’s an idea whose time has come.

2:00 pm: Event starts 2:15 pm: Speakers 2:50 pm: Letter typing 3:20 pm: The big secret is revealed! ✨

Mar 31, 2018
Music for Municipal Broadband
Portland City Hall

Come show your support for Municipal Broadband in Portland! Help us build visible support for the next step, which is to convince the city council to fund a feasibility study in its upcoming budget! Come learn about what you can do to make a public net neutral broadband service a reality in Portland!

At the rally, you can also enjoy musical performances by musicians who care about net neutrality and municipal broadband! Performing will be: Snailbones Grandfather Plastic Cactus Dim Wit Erika Donocho

Invite your friends! We look forward to seeing you there!
