Viewing 0 current events matching “creative careers” by Event Name.
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Viewing 3 past events matching “creative careers” by Event Name.
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Nov 24, 2014
Secret Knowledge Exchange – Taborspace This is Secret Knowledge's Un-Workshop. There's no topic, just a mission.It's about getting you the resources, skills, tips, creative advice, tech help, or buoying encouragement you need right now. Come, and get it. Getting the most out of Secret Knowledge ExchangeIt's an un-workshop. That means it doesn't have a topic. Participate by bringing requests or a topic suggestion for the group. Engage and help each other. If you have the answers someone needs, share. We guarantee to make it worth your time, each and every time. Some ideasWe hope this example list will help you as you consider what requests to bring to the workshop. We're including it to inspire you, not limit your options.
Free / Suggested donation ($5 - $15) Let us know you're planning to attend. Registration is free (and optional). About Secret KnowledgeSecret Knowledge helps independent artists develop the skills they need to grow their businesses and works to foster arts-engagement among local audiences. |
Dec 18, 2014
Secret Knowledge of Crowd Funding – Taborspace Time tested fundraising wisdom you need to finance your next album, publication, business idea, or art project. This workshop will cover time-tested nonprofit fundraising principals and show you how to apply these principles to your individual crowd funding campaign. You’ll leave with a easy-to-follow framework for planning and implementing a successful crowd funding campaign. Free ($5 - $15 suggested donation). Let us know you're coming. Registration is free (and optional) Instructor: Noah Kleiman Secret Knowledge offers free/low-cost workshops aimed at giving working class artists, musicians, and creative entrepreneurs the tech & business skills they need to succeed. |
Dec 10, 2014
Secret Knowledge of Working Websites – Taborspace Enlightenment for beginners, confidence for the daunted, wisdom for anyone looking to promote their creative work online. Build a professional looking, easy-to-maintain website for marketing your music, artwork, or creative business. This workshop is an applied lesson in building a website that works for you using the free Wordpress content management/blogging platform. Free ($5 - $15 suggested donation). Let us know you're coming. Registration is free (and optional) Instructor: Noah Kleiman Secret Knowledge offers free/low-cost workshops aimed at giving working class artists, musicians, and creative entrepreneurs the tech & business skills they need to succeed. |