Viewing 0 current events matching “coreos” by Event Name.
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Viewing 4 past events matching “coreos” by Event Name.
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Jul 23, 2014
CoreOS + Docker OSCON Meetup – New Relic Join New Relic, Rackspace, CoreOS and Docker for a special OSCON meetup on Wednesday, July 23, 6-9:00 pm at the New Relic offices. You'll learn more about CoreOS and Docker, mingle with some of the top CoreOS and Docker contributors, get your questions answered, try out craft beers from around Portland and snack on some tasty food. Thanks to our gracious host, New Relic, and to Rackspace and New Relic for providing the drinks and bites. Space is limited. To confirm your spot, please RSVP on Meetup as well as on the Eventbrite page, See you at OSCON. 6:00-6:30 pm: Drinks, bites, networking 6:30-7:00 pm: A CoreOS Overview Find out everything you want to know about CoreOS. CoreOS is a new Linux distribution designed specifically for application containers and running them at scale. This talk will examine all the major components of CoreOS including etcd, fleet, docker, and systemd; and how these components work together to solve the problems of today and tomorrow. Presented by Kelsey Hightower 7:00-7:30 pm: Docker 1.0 101: Intro to Docker, and what the stable release looks like If you're not familiar yet with Docker, here is your chance to catch up. Engineers from the Docker team will give a quick overview of the Open Source Docker Engine, and its associated services delivered through the Docker Hub. Then, they will discuss the new features of Docker 1.0, and give you a glimpse at what's next in the Docker world. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session! Presented by Jérôme Petazzoni 7:30-8:00 pm: CoreOS and Docker on Rackspace OnMetal Last month Rackspace announced OnMetal; a product to provision physical servers using the OpenStack APIs. Paul and Ev will explain how OnMetal works behind the scenes and demo CoreOS and Docker in action on physical gear. Presented by Paul Querna and Ev Konstevoy of Rackspace 8:00-8:30 pm: More drinks, bites, break out into groups for additional Q&A PLEASE RSVP ON BOTH MEETUP.COM + EVENTBRITE.COM |
Feb 15, 2016
CoreOS + Techno-Activism 3rd Monday – Portland State Business Accelerator Mt. Hood room Join us on Monday, February 15th for a joint CoreOS and Techno-Activism 3rd Monday meetup. We'll have two knowledgable CoreOS presenters, Alex Crawford and Matthew Garrett, as well as lots of tasty food! Come learn about security and CoreOS. 6:00 pm Food, Drink, Networking 6:30 pm New Ways to Deploy and Manage Applications at Scale Alex Crawford, software developer at CoreOS The last decade belonged to virtual machines and the next one belongs to containers. CoreOS is a new Linux distribution designed specifically for application containers and running them at scale. This talk will examine all the major components of CoreOS (etcd, fleet, docker, systemd) and how these components work together. 7:15 pm Protecting Laptops Against High-Level Adversaries Matthew Garrett, principal security software engineer at CoreOS You’ve left your laptop in your hotel room. You come back, turn it on and type in your disk encryption passphrase. And, just like that, you've granted access to all your private data to the person who slipped in with a USB stick while you were out. This isn't a hypothetical case. We've seen companies selling tools that are intended to bypass disk encryption by simply modifying the boot process and waiting for the user to type in their decryption key. It's a worrying situation, but it's one that we can protect users against. This presentation will describe how some of the same techniques used to protect servers can be used to verify the state of laptops. It'll demonstrate the use of a novel but straightforward piece of software that allows users to use widely deployed hardware to let users check the security of their system at a glance. And it'll talk about why you still need to be afraid of a smaller set of really scary people. 8:00 Networking Interested in speaking at a CoreOS meetup or hosting a future event? Please reach out to marketing at to discuss! |
Sep 17, 2014
Look to the Sky with Portland Avant Garde Software – Urban Airship Inc This meeting will be focused on "Cloud" development, deployment, management, maintenance, etc. We've reached out to some of our friends in that space at CoreOS and Docker and the illustrious Kelsey Hightower will be joining us to provide demos / Q&A on his approach to configuration management in the cloud. Urban Airship has generously offered to host our fledgling little group. Many thanks to UA and especially to Jeremy Towsey-French for volunteering his time and energy to be our sponsor. |
May 16, 2016
PdxDevOps – New Relic Join us for the April meeting of PdxDevOps. Agenda: Colin Hom from CoreOS Colin will showcase how CoreOS deploys production Kubernetes clusters on AWS and the open-source tooling around this process. Kube-aws built around the idea of "cluster artifacts" and is designed to be secure, auditable and reproducible. A simple templating system is leveraged to generate cluster configuration as a set of declarative configuration templates that can be version controlled, audited and re-deployed. Since the entirety of the provisioning is by AWS CloudFormation and cloud-init, there’s no need for external configuration management tools on your end. Batteries included! pdxdevops is a Portland, Oregon user group that explores the glorious intersection of software development and systems operations, and shares practical advice on working effectively in an era of agile infrastructure, server automation and cloud computing. The group welcomes participants interested in any related products, technologies and methodologies. The group has been meeting regularly since August 2010 for presentations, demos and discussions applicable to all skill levels, from newbies and experts. Every month 15-35 people come together to share their knowledge, projects and enthusiasm for devops – join us! |