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Nov 20, 2014
CoFoundersLab Matchup Portland
Starve Ups Garage

CoFoundersLab Matchup Portland is aimed at helping entrepreneurs find co-founders, advisers & interns and to build strong, core founding teams.

Get started networking now with a potential core team member by creating a free profile on

Agenda 6:00: Entrepreneur Check-In 6:15 - 6:30: Brief Intro from CoFoundersLab 6:30 - 7:15: Round Table Intros 7:15 – 8:30: General Networking 8:30: End of Matchup

Food & Drink Provided $10 CoFoundersLab Pro Members - Attend this event for FREE!

***Before attending, please be sure to:

• Create a free profile on

• Browse for other entrepreneurs by filtering in the Advanced Search under Community Affiliation > Events > CoFoundersLab Matchup - Portland

• Download the free CoFoundersLab mobile app in the iTunes app store.

• Share this event on your social channels to help get the word out. Your next core team member may be in your networks!

Suggested tweet:

I'm building my founding #startup team @CoFoundersLab Matchup #Portland Thurs 11/20 6:00PM @StarveUps Join me:

This matchup is an official event of Global Entrepreneurship Week!
