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Oct 30, 2012
Oregon Computer Consultants October Meeting
Red Lion Hotel Portland - Convention Center

Apple iOS Devices & Computers in Business

Agenda: 6:00--6:20 Networking 6:20--7:00 No-host dinner 7:00--7:30 Introductions and announcements 7:30--8:30 Main Presentation (followed by Q&A)

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Apple's iOS devices have become a revolution. Whether you use a Windows, Unix or Apple server platform, these devices are becoming the industry standard for such jobs as POS and CRM. They have even managed to overtake the long standing leadership position from Blackberry devices. Apple's MacBook Pro, MacBook Air and iMac product lines are also gaining traction among business professionals. You see the easily recognized Apple logo consistently in TV shows and movies.

I will discuss the role of Apple products in the modern business landscape focusing on how they and their uses of the iCloud technology have 'changed the game' concerning daily computing. I will provide a series of examples of how iOS mobile devices are currently being used in the small business sector and how big business is beginning to get on board and why. Then I will outline the challenges facing IT support professionals concerning this rapid adoption of relatively new technology into long standing corporate environments and systems. These challenges include integration, security, deployment, app development/distribution and keeping up with Apple's constant flow of new products and software updates.

Presented by James "Jamie" Pollock has more than 15 years of experience developing and implementing communication strategies, corporate training curriculums and Internet-based solutions for companies such as Jantzen, Symantec and Intel. As an independent consultant, he has assisted many small businesses in creating business plans and organizational development strategies through web development projects and direct coaching. He is currently an instructor for the MacPac Academy leading weekly classes in all things Apple and will have his Mobility Technology Competency (MTC) certification from Apple by the end of September.

He possesses a Bachelors of Science in Computer Information Systems from Roanoke College in Salem, VA and a Masters of Business Administration with a concentration in Organizational Behavior from Marylhurst University in Lake Oswego, OR.

Jamie's certifications include: Apple Consultants Network Apple Certified Support Professional, 10.7 Lion Microsoft Office Specialist in Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook 2010
