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Viewing 2 past events matching “FaunaDB” by Date.

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May 17, 2017
Real-world Serverless security with FaunaDB and Amazon API Gateway
Simple (New Office)

Current popular cloud databases aren't native to serverless—you have to pay for capacity you don’t use. Additionally, they often lack support for joins, indexes, authentication, and other capabilities necessary to build a rich application.

See how FaunaDB's data and operations model fits serverless applications like a glove. The core of the talk is a live code session showing an app using the framework to run real world queries in FaunaDB. If you haven't coded with the Serverless framework before you'll be comfortable picking it up after this.

Presenter: Chris Anderson

Feb 12, 2020
JAMstack Portland #3 (with FaunaDB and Netlify)
Alchemy Code Lab

On Wednesday, February 12th (6:30pm) at Alchemy Code Lab, join JAMstack Portland to learn more about JAMstack technologies and meet other people passionate about the web.

Talks for the night:

  • Dan O'Donnell - "FaunaDB - Instant GraphQL Backend for (Busy) Developers"
  • Benaiah Mischenko - "Open Authoring for JAMstack Sites with Netlify CMS"

Speakers and support from FaunaDB and Netlify.

Food and drinks will be provided. Space is limited so register early to reserve your spot!
