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Tuesday, September 14, 2021 at 3:18pm.
What are we doing to mitigate the increased attack surface we create by supporting clients?
Access Notes
There is parking in the back.
The meeting room is to the rear of the building. If you arrive once the presentation starts, feel free to open the door and come in. This venue was formerly Max's Fanno Creek Brew Pub
The Oregon Computer Consultant's Association presents our monthly meeting, with the topic of security: What are we doing to mitigate the increased attack surface we create by supporting clients?
IT providers have become a target for hackers. The software we use to remotely manage client computers and networks adds an attack vector. Losing control of one of these tools would allow remote access not only to our systems, but all client systems we service.
We will discuss:
What network and system access levels are appropriate for service providers.
Who is responsible for security and operations when outsourcing IT services.
What are we doing to reduce the risk to our clients.
As this issue comes to the attention of our clients, how do we discuss it with them?