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Tuesday, October 29, 2019 at 5:07pm.
Portland Linux/Unix Group: Glass Beatstation
Take the stairs or elevator to the lower level and head East, though you will quickly lose orientation. Look for room 86-01 and note that the parking garage also provides access from a level below for $6, up from $1.50 or so. :(
Portland Linux/Unix Group General Meeting Announcement
Who: Athan Spathas
What: Glass Beatstation
Where: PSU, 1900 SW 4th Ave. Room FAB 86-01 (Left Entrance, Lower Level)
When: Thursday, November 7th, 2019 at 7pm
Why: The pursuit of technology freedom
Stream: http://pdxlinux.org/live
Glass Beatstation: An open source mobile and modular musical interface for Linux machines and musicians that don’t know how to use Linux
As a self-taught/amateur programmer, I was able to use open source programs to start building the versatile music workstation I’ve long dreamed of. The fact that I have been able to get this project functional to any degree is a great credit to the FLO (Free/Libre/Open Source) community. In the process I’ve learned about many of the benefits and learning curves of FLO hardware and software. I primarily used Python, Open-Stage-Control, Sooperlooper, Ardour, Puredata and the Kxstudio repositories, and have iterated an extra portable version of the project on raspberry pi. I will share the perspectives I have gained in the process how I was able to receive AND share knowledge with Linux users both new and experienced alike. Because of this, I’ve learned much about bridging the gap between those people already familiar with Linux/FLO technology, and those who aren’t familiar – yet.
Athan Spathas teaches robotics to kids and supports open source software however he can: one is as likely to find him performing on his linux based portable studio as much as find him performing on it, doing demos, or educating others about the benefits of open source technology.
ATTENTION! Thanks to a new security policy, attendees will need to enter through the 1900 SW 4th entrance by 8PM, just North of the 1930 SW 4th entrance adjacent to Hawaiian Express, formerly Taco Del Mar:
Many will head to the Lucky Lab at 1945 NW Quimby St. after the meeting.
Ride shares to the Lucky Lab available
PLUG is open to everyone and does not tolerate abusive behavior on its mailing lists or at its meetings.