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Wednesday, June 26, 2019 at 3:28pm.
Puppet Science Fair
Come up to the Fifth floor. There will be someone at the front door on 2nd ave to let you in.
The Puppet community has a lot of people with exciting Open Source tricks up their sleeves. Are you interested in what they're hacking on or want to share what you're hacking on? An even bigger question…. Will you be in PDX for OSCON and want to come have a good time?
Puppet is hosting a Science Fair party in our Portland home office the evening of July 17, 2019. Come have a drink and poke at some new toys; see what fun projects people are working on. We’ve got an Internet-enabled train layout, and will let you control the office Spotify playlist with Bolt, our orchestration tool. What does all this even mean? Come hang out and see!
We'll have a few stations set up for you to explore and get your hands dirty with our Open Source projects. We'll have people sharing their own home DIY projects. And we'll have table spots for community members to showcase their own projects. Do you have something shiny to share?
Maybe most importantly, finger food, beer, and non-alcoholic refreshments will be provided. Come chill with us. We'd love to see you and hear what exciting things you've got going on.
Let us know if you plan to come so we can make sure to have plenty of food on hand.