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Portland Lunch 2.0 - Portland Startup Week: OTBC Lunch 2.0

OregonTechnology Business Center
3800 SW Cedar Hills Blvd #260
Beaverton, OR 97005, us (map)



Join our friends at OTBC for a Portland Lunch 2.0… in Beaverton. It's all part of Portland Startup Week. (If you're in downtown Portland, it's just a quick trip on the MAX Blue Line to get out to the location.)

Space is limited

Access: 1 minute walk from MAX. Alternatively - there is, of course, plenty of free parking.

For parking: http://www.otbc.org/directions

For MAX: When you exit MAX you're facing Bogza coffee. We're in the brick building just beyond Bogza.

Either way - use the building entrance on Rose Biggi Ave.

