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Monday, March 11, 2019 at 10:40am.
Monday, March 11, 2019 at 10:40am.
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Ruby on Rails
Guest Speaker: Wilfrid Landry, Senior Ruby on Rails Programmer and Certified AWS Cloud Solutions Architect
Wilfrid will be giving a talk about Ruby and Ruby on Rails. Ruby on Rails, or Rails, is a server-side web application framework written in Ruby under the MIT License. Rails is a model–view–controller (MVC) framework, providing default structures for a database, a web service, and web pages. He will also be discussing about cloud services with Ruby, provide learning resources, and invite you to the local Ruby on Rails Meetup.
12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts
Please RSVP
Web Technology, agile project management, cms (content management systems), computer programming, internet professionals,
javascript, meetup:event=259676380, meetup:group=techacademy, mobile development, new technology, object oriented programming, programming languages, software development, web design, web development, web programming