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Monday, February 4, 2019 at 10:45am.
Startup Founders in Tech [1on1 Conversations over Video]
Online. You'll get a link to join when you RSVP
Startup Founders of Tech Startups Only
We're startup founders building tech to solve problems in the world. We meet the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1pm Pacific to collaborate on our pressing challenges. The format is 1on1 conversations over video where you'll have the ability to choose who you meet. It's designed to be easy to join, get value, and get back to work.
The event is limited to tech startup founders in tech who are beyond idea stage. Reach out if you have questions.
PS - If you're interested but not yet in the group, it's easy to join. RSVP for this event and I'll follow-up. We want to ensure the group remains as promised... a group of Startup Founders in Tech.