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Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 4:51pm.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 4:51pm.
Tech Academy Portland Meetup - Tech Talk: Applying and Interviewing for Data Analytics Positions
Guest Speaker: Yuchin Pan, Graduate of The Tech Academy
Yuchin is a data analyst in charge of reporting and developing metrics and visualizations that help his company stay on top of current trends and get in front of potential problems before they happen. He will talk about applying in the incredibly ambiguous, and at times, frustrating field of data analytics and data science. Yuchin will go over things like mindset, skills he developed, and processes he used to land a job.
12:45 p.m. Pizza and Refreshments
1:00 p.m. Tech Talk starts
Please RSVP
Web Technology, agile project management, cms (content management systems), computer programming, internet professionals, javascript, meetup:event=257323127, meetup:group=techacademy, mobile development, new technology, object oriented programming, programming languages, software development, web design, web development, web programming