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Tuesday, June 26, 2018 at 7:57am.
Workshop: Navigating the Tech Industry - Landing Your Next Opportunity
Women Who Code Portland is hosting our first ever workshop on Navigating the Tech Industry and Landing Your Next Opportunity! The goal of this workshop is to provide people with the opportunity to learn how others have navigated salary negotiations, gather tips on what to consider when negotiating a job offer, and have their resumes reviewed by recruiters from local companies. This event is geared towards helping women, but we welcome everyone who supports our mission of inspiring women to excel in technology careers and follows our code of conduct.
This workshop is broken into three sections:
Salary Negotiation Panel
Resume talk by Jarvis Sam from Nike
Resume review breakout sessions with recruiters
The first half of the morning will be a panel on salary negotiation with women from Nike, Metal Toad, and InVision talking about their experiences and advice in regards to negotiating a job offer. The second half of the morning will be a talk given by Jarvis Sam of Nike, titled In the Know: Demystifying Resume Writing and Interviewing.
The event cost is $10 for participants and includes lunch. Scholarships: If you are a student, under-employed, or in need of financial assistance, we have full scholarships available for this event. Please submit an application here. There will be no refunds for this event. If you cannot attend, you can email us to transfer the ticket to another attendee, or we can add it to our scholarship pool.
9:30 - Doors Open and Introductions
10:00 - Panel on Salary Negotiation with Ariel Aguilar, Cori Taratoot, Meghane Hardin, and Keeley Hammond
11:15 - Jarvis Sam talk In the Know: Demystifying Resume Writing and Interviewing
12:15 - Lunch
1:00 - Breakout sessions for resume review with recruiters
5:00 - Finish
RULES - By coming to this event, you are agreeing to follow our Code of Conduct
Women Who Code (WWCode) is dedicated to providing an empowering experience for everyone who participates in or supports our community, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, ability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or socioeconomic status. Because we value the safety and security of our members and strive to have an inclusive community, we do not tolerate harassment of members or event participants in any form. Our Code of Conduct applies to all events run by Women Who Code, Inc. If you would like to report an incident or contact our leadership team, please submit an incident report form.