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Wednesday, April 18, 2018 at 4:56pm.
OCCA - What is Intel doing and what are they planning?
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What is Intel doing and what are they planning?
The Oregon Computer Consultants Association presents a discussion with Intel engineer Baltazar Ruiz regarding Intel technologies. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers, but topics that will be covered include current and future developments for:
Servers (motherboards and CPUs)
Desktops and laptops (motherboards and CPU's)
Optane Memory
SSD connectivity
How are Intel and Microsoft working together to mitigate Spectre (and meltdown) on various platforms?
Presented by:
Baltazar Ruiz is an Application Engineer based out of Hillsboro, OR. He covers Cloud Service Providers (Such as Groupon, Craigslist, Progressive, etc.). Baltazar is an immigrant from Monterrey, Mexico, where he studied Control and Computing, the technology you find in manufacturing plants where robots build cars. However; he spent his professional life working in ISPs and Communications Service Providers since 1997, as a Systems and Network Engineer and leading the technical teams.