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Women Talking Tech Series - Site Reliability

AppNexus, Inc.
711 SW Alder St. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97205, us (map)

Fourth floor



(Please RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/women-talking-tech-series-pdx-tickets-38082154750)

So many of us are building really cool shit at work and in the community - let's share, recognize and applaud our badassery. Through this WTT series, we aim to perpetuate the technical learning and teaching component within our industry.

Partnering with local WIT communities we'll meet monthly for a lightning talk + keynote, followed by Q&A. Oh, and food/drink. Curated for a technical audience compromised of but not limited to women, transgender and non binary friends. We'll start promptly at 5:15 and end by 6:30, we welcome kiddos too.

October Lineup

Lightning Talk: TBD

Keynote: Liz Fong-Jones @lizthegrey. Site Reliability Engineering @ Google.

Liz is a Senior Site Reliability Engineer at Google and manages a team of SREs responsible for Google's storage systems. She lives with her wife, metamour, and two Samoyeds in Brooklyn. In her spare time, she plays classical piano, leads an EVE Online alliance, and advocates for transgender rights.

Questions/want to chat/interested in speaking at our 11/7 event? [email protected]

