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Tuesday, October 11, 2016 at 1:15pm.
Refresh Portland — Ladies Drawing Night, November 2016
Refresh Portland is proud to sponsor Ladies Drawing Night! While a lot of people who attend Refresh events come for the technical and soft skills related to our jobs in tech, this drawing night is for those of you who create art and do it in addition to (or as a salve to) life in tech.
The event is limited to 8 participants so that we can have good conversations and share ideas on our art without navigating 50 people in the room. Bring whatever you are working on. We’ll have table space for working, but bring the supplies that you’ll need.
Refresh Portland will buy the first round of drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic)!
As the title states, this event is for women only. If you have any questions, please get in touch.
Our Host, Susan Robertson
Susan is one of the co-organizers of Refresh Portland. She realized there was a desire for women to get together for some non-tech art creation and had a pilot meetup in the summer of 2016. It went well enough that Ladies Drawing Night is being added to the regular monthly programming for Refresh.