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Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 7:03pm.
The Power of Story -- PDX OSGeo monthly meeting
Room 409 Cramer Hall - Geography Department
This month welcomes Tim Welch and Katie Urey who will be combining two of their favorite things - Stories and Maps. Pizza will be provided. BYOB as always.
The Power of Story
How do you tell a good story with a map? A story that’s memorable, entertaining, and paints a vivid picture that the viewer connects with. We’ll dive into two different scenarios.
Policy Advocacy
Imagine a world with zero traffic-related injuries. That’s what the Portland Vision Zero campaign wants to achieve in the next 10 years with the participation of the City of Portland, Oregon Walks, Bike Portland and other groups. With construction booming in Portland, one of the biggest concerns is construction closures which often bring together vehicles, bikes, and pedestrians in unexpected and unsafe ways. How can we utilize maps to illustrate issues like this, demonstrate alternatives, and advocate for improving policy? This project is seeking collaborators, please reach out to us.
Product Marketing
Good product presentation goes beyond the specs to tell a story that a potential customer can imagine themselves in. We can use maps to play out scenes in the real world where the viewer is the main character. Tim will present an app-based approach that’s part movie and part presentation that can be used for anything from elevator pitches to digital displays -- Toolbox: React, Mapbox GL+Studio, Turf, QGIS, OpenStreetMap, and Electron.
Tim Welch -- @tdoubleuu, freelance web developer connecting the dots -- http://dotsconnect.us
Katie Urey -- @rbracket, GIS Geek, advocate for safe walking