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DORKBOTPDX January 2016 Workshop: OPEN LAB

7608 N Interstate Ave.
Portland, Oregon 97217, US (map)

Access Notes

If you arrive and have a hard time finding someone, head over to ctrlh.org/irc and ask. Someone there should be able to help.



Make things with or next to other people! Bring a project or collaborate on someone else's project. We provide space and power. You bring tools and projects. Ask fellow dorks for help and offer help to others.

RSVP by commenting at http://dorkbotpdx.org/openlab_01_2016 telling folks what you'll be working on!

Upcoming workshops: February 2016: Hands-on JTAG for fun and root shells with Joe FitzPatrick March 2016: Build your FuzzFace Guitar Pedal with Jim Titus

Thanks to everyone leading workshops!

