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Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 10:19am.
DORKBOTPDX August 2015 Workshop: Intro to Programmable System-on-Chip (PSoC)
Access Notes
If you arrive and have a hard time finding someone, head over to ctrlh.org/irc and ask. Someone there should be able to help.
A hands-on introduction to the Cypress PSoC device family and the (free) PSoC Creator Integrated Development Environment(IDE).
The workshop will include a brief architecture and software/IDE overview, followed by hand's-on project labs. Requirements: Windows “compatible” Laptop Computer and USB port (Apple MacBook Pro with Bootcamp or Parallels works fine) Prerequisites: Basic electronics (the ability to read a schematic drawing). Basic "C" programming.
Participates will walk home with a free Cypress development board! Thanks Cypress!
Audience: Programmers who would like to learn more about hardware and debugging. Hackers who would like to learn new skills for quickly solving hardware problems. Students who want explore and learn about new hardware-based solutions. Professionals seeking new skills for the workplace.
Instructor: Tom Moxon Sunday, August 30th, 1-5pm at Ctrl-H, 7608 N. Interstate, Portland, OR 97217 All ages! Free! (Donate a bit to Ctrl-H if you can) http://dorkbotpdx.org/psoc_2015/
Space is limited RSVP Required! RSVP here: http://www.meetup.com/CTRL-H/events/224261020/