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Let's meetup and learn about using Unity3D with F#! Take two!

Incomm Digital Solutions
111 SW 5th Ave, Suite 900
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)



Come join the PDX F# meetup! Beginners and experts alike are all welcome.

Let's build a Unity3D game with F#! Unity3D is a popular platform for building cross-platform games based on the Mono 2.0 runtime (.NET 3.5) and supports scripting in C#, Javascript, and Boo out of the box. Those languages are cool and all, but wouldn't it be fantastic if we could build Unity3D games in F#?!

In this meetup we will explore how to create a basic Unity3D game and use F# to control the game logic. In the process we'll learn some of the differences between OOP and FP as well as why F# makes a great scripting language for game development.

Link to the slides:


And here's the github repo for the demo:


