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Galois tech talk: Automatic Device Driver Synthesis

Galois, Inc
421 SW 6th Ave. Suite 300
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)

The talk will be on the 11th floor of our building instead of the usual place.



abstract: Automatic device driver synthesis is a radical approach to creating drivers faster and with fewer defects by generating them automatically based on hardware device specifications. I will present the design and implementation of a new driver synthesis toolkit, called Termite-2. Termite-2 is the first tool to combine the power of automation with the flexibility of conventional development. It is also the first practical synthesis tool based on abstraction refinement. Finally, it is the first synthesis tool to support automated debugging of input specifications. I will explain the main principles behind the tool and give a brief demo of its capabilities.

bio: Leonid Ryzhyk is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Toronto and a researcher at NICTA. He received his PhD from the University of New South Wales in 2010.

