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Free Online 8 week Android Programming Class

Lucky Labrador Brew Pub
915 SE Hawthorne Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97214, US (map)
Public WiFi

There are limited power outlets, so if you have a power strip, that is often helpful.



Programming Mobile Applications for Android Handheld Systems


Study group meeting:

Where: Lucky Labrador Brew Pub 915 SE Hawthorne Blvd, Portland, OR 97214

When: Wednesday, Feb 12th

Time: 7pm (late arrivals are welcome)

This is week 4 of the 8 week class. You can catch up by watching the lectures from the first 3 weeks online. There is no cost for class or the study group. How hard you work and how much you want to learn is up to you.

For the study group, bring your laptop, get help with homework, ask questions, and socialize.

NOTE: Be sure to check our Google Group site before attending. Updates are posted there.

Look for us at the back wall by the only power outlets.

For more information about the Lucky Lab visit: http://luckylab.com/locations/hawthorne-lucky-labrador-brew-pub/


