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Portland Riak Group: Intro to Yokozuna; Riak and Node.js at Coradine

AppFog HQ
319 SW Washington St.
Portland, OR 97204, US (map)
Public WiFi

Access Notes

7th floor



Hi, and welcome to the Portland Riak Group.

There are plenty of Riak Users in the PDX area, so it's time we had an official meetup. The team at AppFog was gracious enough to loan their space for the inaugural meeting, and a few members of the Basho team will be on hand to deliver pizza, beer, and stickers.

Here are the talks we have lined up:


Next Generation Searching with Yokozuna

Eric Redmond; Engineer, Basho Technologies

Riak Search was created to expand Riak's query options. It's worked well enough the past couple years, but it's time to move forward. Yokozuna is the next generation of Riak search, built on the solid Distributed Solr platform. We'll see a preview of what Yokozuna does, what it's going to do, and how that's a marked improvement from the existing Riak Search.


Riak & Node.js: The Hunt for Cheap, Easy Nines

Nathan Aschbacher; Developer, Coradine

Portland-based Coradine makes an innovative aviation application that helps pilots the world over. Riak powers a lot of this application. Nathan Äschbacher, developer at Coradine, will take you through:

  • A quick history of our experience with Riak
  • How it came to be we opted to use it at Coradine
  • Some of the known hurdles we were going to have to overcome (like cloud deployment)
  • Some of the development issues we've encountered
  • Why Node.js was a good fit for us and interfacing with Riak
  • Abandoning Redis in favor of Riak Memory-store for caching and 2i


Hope to see you on November 19th. Let me know if you have any questions .


