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Friday, October 19, 2012 at 3:33pm.
Code with the Experts (XAML/C#)
REGISTER at http://bit.ly/CodeWTExpertsPDX
Are you excited to try your hand at building a Windows 8 App?
Join us on November 10 for "Code with the Experts" and make your dream a reality! Visit with Windows 8 experts and enjoy great food, awesome conversation, and wonderful prizes!
We want to invite you, your friends, co-workers, and any other developers to this special event. It is the perfect time to get started on your Windows 8 App. Don't worry if you don't yet have an idea for an App - we can brainstorm with you or match you with an idea for a Windows 8 App. Additionally, if you would like to work with someone on a project we will be ready to pair you with other developers. Bring your storyboard, your ideas, and your thinking cap!
We'll spend the morning with the experts enpaneled to answer your questions. After the provided lunch, we'll spend the afternoon coding solo or in pairs.
We'll also have door and raffle prizes. Most exciting is a special surprise for all developers who are working towards publishing a Windows 8 App. All this AND we'll have the experts to help guide you through some of your challenges and roadblocks.
Bring your laptop loaded with Windows 8 and Visual Studio Express ready to code or use one of our preloaded "Windows 8 To Go" USB sticks. (Limited number available)
All attendees will receive a raffle ticket to win some cool prizes. For every guest you bring to this Code with the Expert event, you will receive an extra entry to the raffle!
Looking forward to seeing you there!
REGISTER at http://bit.ly/CodeWTExpertsPDX
Meet the XAML/C# experts:
Stuart Celarier | http://visualstuart.net/ Principal Consultant, Neudesic Microsoft Regional Director Microsoft MVP
Rich Claussen | http://richhubbins.theclaussens.com Lead Software Engineer, Welch Allyn President, Portland Area .NET Users Group
Chris Sells | http://www.sellsbrothers.com VP of the Developer Tools Division, Telerik Author
Kelly White | http://kelly.whitepdx.com President, Silvertail Software
Build it with help from the experts. Register today.