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Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 3:33pm.
Mayhem PIGJam (Game Jam)
The Portland Indie Game Squad will be hosting its third local Game Jam this coming May 25th at the Art Institute of Portland!
We will be starting up at 7pm that Friday evening upon delivery of a game prompt, and our space will be available to us through the evening of Sunday the 27th. A majority of teams will be constructed beforehand, though jammers may participate individually, form a team the night of, or join an existing team.
Some equipment will be provided, including computers w/Unity, UDK, Adobe Suite, Maya/Max, and Office Suite. Jammers will be responsible for providing their own bedding (should they choose to spend the entirety of the weekend in our workspace), food, and additional equipment. Bringing food in the spirit of a potluck is appreciated.
To assist in creating Jam teams, RSVP via http://pigsquad.com/events/mayhem-pigjam with your preferred game development skillset if you plan on participating and do not already have a team formed. Please RSVP regardless; we have room for 50 jammers.
Big thanks to Keld Bangsberg, John Wilkes, and the Art Institute of Portland for their efforts and sponsorship!
E-mail us at [email protected] if you have any questions!