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CTO & Engineering Executive Forum: Adapting Manufacturing Principles to Engineering Projects

Paragon Restaurant and Bar
1309 NW Hoyt St.
Portland, OR 97209, US (map)



“Value Stream” is a term that originated with Lean Manufacturing meaning to analyze and design the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a consumer. The whole idea is to drive out waste, deliver fast, build quality in, and engage all of the people involved in the value stream so that great products emerge. Urban Airship has had a lot of success with Kanban and Kaizen…

So wrote Mike Herrick, VP Engineering at Urban Airship in Portland. Coming from both an engineering and operations background myself, this caught my attention – the idea of using manufacturing principles to streamline and accelerate product development and deployment is intriguing.

Engineering Executives must assure that the flow continues all the way from blue-sky concept through development, productization, release to manufacturing, scale-up and support – often to a world-wide market. We’ve invited Mike to join us to kick-off our round-table CTO Forum discussions in April with a few anecdotes and reflections on what they’re doing and what they’ve learned.

Please join us for this opportunity to exchange ideas and real-life experiences with your industry peers.

Event Details: When: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 Time: 5:30 – 8:30 PM Where: TBD, Portland, OR Fees: $95 Members, $120 Nonmembers To Register: TechAmerica Oregon, 503-624-4871

Thank you Marger Johnson & McCollom PC for sponsoring!


