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OCCA Meeting Notice July 2011

Red Lion Hotel Portland - Convention Center
1021 NE Grand Avenue
Portland, OR 97232, US (map)

6pm-7pm: No Host dinner and Networking 7pm-8:30: New tools, Stump the experts, Presentation 8:30-9pm: Q and A



Encryption and Passwords: Keeping Safe What will this presentation do? You will understand:

SSL How SSL works. This is the foundation of all secure online activities like banking, logging into your accounts, making purchases at Amazon etc. What crooks can do to undermine SSL and how to protect yourself.

Passwords How has password technology evolved to provide better storage and protection? What password hashes are and why they are important. What happens when crooks hack and get into a vendor's database. Clues that indicate bad security on websites. How are passwords attacked? How to make, use and maintain uncrackable passwords. Dual factor authentication

How to evaluate web services and keep safe How to recognize encryption approaches that do not work. Why music, movie and Ebook encryption cannot work. How to recognize technology that can work.

Examples of great software for free or very low cost to: Provide A cross platform encryption engine that can properly encrypt and decrypt from Mac, Linux and Windows, allowing servers to send fully encrypted packages to end users.

Keep information on your hard drive completely safe. Uncrackable.

Maintain your passwords and automatically login to websites securely. Send secure PDF files. Secure WebMail. Understanding how to analyze a threat matrix

Presenters: Steve Shank is the owner of Oregon Computer Solutions and has been keeping clients' computers safe and profitable for over 25 years. Http://www.steveshank.com Peter Miller is a Web Designer, Database Designer and Photographer. http://pmc2m.com/... and http://hopspar.com...


