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Friday, October 8, 2010 at 11:17pm and last updated
Saturday, October 9, 2010 at 5:19pm.
Reaching the Tipping Point in Energy Monitoring
Monitoring your Energy Footprint
Smart Devices and information systems to help people make better choices about how they use energy are in the early stage of adoption. While many home energy monitoring solutions have been introduced in recent years, no products or services have emerged that have brought about a significant change in consumer behavior. While many devices are technologically sophisticated or cool to look at it seems there is still a need for new innovations and better ways to motivate users to make a lasting change in their energy footprint. The challenge for product developers and entrepreneurs is the development of a comprehensive energy monitoring system for homes that is compelling, easy to use and effective.
The Prius dashboard is a good example of a system that is making a real difference in consumer behavior. By providing information to a user on mileage and energy performance it is motivating people to change their driving style. We need to explore ways in which we can have a similar impact on managing one’s personal energy lifestyle. How do you create energy monitoring devices with intuitive interfaces and automatic functions that customers can easily integrate into their daily life? How will consumers be informed about what is possible and how will energy utilities, governments, agencies, or retail channels work to supply the demand? What other issues must be overcome before we see mass adoption of smart energy management devices. We will explore these issues and hear from manufacturers of existing products so that participants can leave with a better understanding of energy monitoring opportunities and challenges.
Moderator: Pad Adamosky, Veris Industries Speakers: Michael Jung, Silver Spring Networks Dan Russell, Powermand Fiona Sim, Intel
6.00PM to 7.00 PM - Food, Networking, 7.00PM - Panel Presentation
Registration Required www.oregon.tie.org Fees: Member $15 Student $10 Guest $25
+$5 at the door
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