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ThursdayFeb 23 2023Portland Design Thinkers is happy to announce an evening with Dan Self and the Science of Storytelling: How the Brain Fires on Story.
Portland Design Thinkers is happy to announce an evening with Dan Self and the Science of Storytelling: How the Brain Fires on Story.
100,000 years of human reliance on story has rewired the human brain to think in story terms and story structure to make sense and create meaning out of events and others’ actions. Meaning…Cells that fire together wire together.
And, this evolutionary predisposition is reinforced by the dominant use of story throughout childhood.
So what does this mean for all of us? How can we use this knowledge to create memorable stories? And how can we use our predisposition to turn everything that enters through sensory input into story for engagement?
About Dan Self: Story first. Story always. I've spent most of my working life or what is known as "a career" thinking about, studying, and uncovering the importance of story. And in the pursuit of discovering the importance of story, I've explored many different job paths that have revealed some important aspects of the brain on story. Bottom line? I'm not a neurologist, but I've played one on TV, and that's my story and I'm sticking with it.