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Friday, July 2, 2021 at 4:12pm.
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ThursdayApr 10 2025AI-Powered UX Research Repository at LinkedIn–
virtualPortland Design Thinkers is excited to present Emily Traub: AI-Powered UX Research Repository at LinkedIn
Join us to hear how Emily and LinkedIn's Research team transformed their approach from a static database to an interactive AI-powered repository.
This session will take you behind the scenes of their evolution, covering:
• Limitations with their former tool • The setup behind their new repository • Use cases that are currently supported • How they see this tool evolving in the future
Don't miss this opportunity to explore how AI can revolutionize the way we store, access, and leverage research insights across organizations.
About our Speaker: Emily started her UX Research journey in the world of WordPress hosting at WP Engine, focusing on the SMB agency experience. She joined LinkedIn in 2023, leading and co-developing rapid research programs before transitioning to support the Premium team. Outside of her day-to-day work, Emily enjoys exploring how the team can incorporate emerging technologies into its workflows to enhance research efficiency and make it easy for stakeholders to interact with existing research.
Past events that happened here
ThursdayJan 20 2022PDXWIT Presents: LGBTQ+ in Tech: Authentic Representation in the Gaming Industry–
virtualRegistration through Zoom is required to gain entry to this virtual event
The wise video game director of “Tell Me Why,” Florent Guillaume said, “...authentic representation was crucial, in part, because video games can put you in the shoes of characters that you don't necessarily relate to.” Gaming is a big industry. With representation from all over the world, it takes more than just code to represent the authenticity of a character within a game. It also means that the people creating it are well represented in order to provide as accurate a representation of the cultures and behaviors enacted within a game.
Join PDXWIT for this panel discussion to learn more about how game acculturation is changing the gaming industry and what it takes to create characters and stories that you and I can relate to in a virtual environment.
Facilitated by Crystal Sincoff and Hazel Valdez, you will hear from Kate Edwards, Executive Director of Global Game Jam, as well as game developers including Lauren Lizardo and Zach Deocadiz as they discuss what’s happening in the gaming industry today.
You will also hear from our host and find out if they have open positions.
Agenda: 12:00 p.m. - Event opens/networking 12:05 p.m. - Introductions 12:10 p.m. - Panel discussion begins 12:50 p.m. - Q&A 1:00 p.m. - Event ends
Purpose: PDXWIT is building a better tech industry by creating access, dismantling inequities and fueling belonging. Our events are inclusive. ALL people who support our purpose are welcome.
WednesdayJul 14 2021Dismantling For-Profit Prisons through Technology Solutions–
virtualDesign and technology agency Work & Co will be joined in conversation with Ameelio, a nonprofit technology company transforming prison communications. Ameelio is a recipient of Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Award for lowering barriers to communication for incarcerated people —which can otherwise be prohibitively expensive. Work & Co is partnering with Ameelio to help build free-to-use technology with the goal of creating a more humane corrections system.