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Connective DX Community Room 2030 NW Pettygrove St Portland, OR 97209

Future events happening here

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Past events that happened here

  • Wednesday
    Jul 18 2018
    PDX Chatbots and Intelligent Conversational Interfaces

    Join us July 18 as we welcome Portland voice start-up Tali. Matt, Matt and Matt will dive into their experience building their time tracking app for Alexa, Cortana, Google Assistant, Slack and more.

    Doors will open at 5:30pm for drinks, pizza and conversation

    6:30pm – 7:15pm deep dive into Tali a conversational time tracking system developed in Portland http://telltali.com

    7:15pm – 8:00pm Playabl.ai will step through their approach to creating conversational knowledge agents for the enterprise, which help employees get the information they need instantly to do their best work
