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Monday, July 17, 2017 at 8:41am.
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FridaySep 29 2017Ignite TAO: Southern Willamette Valley–
Symantec1 mic, 5 minutes, 300 peers in the audience... no pressure, right?
What is Ignite TAO: SWV?
Ignite is a high-energy evening of 5-minute talks by local people who have a burning idea and the guts to get onstage and share their personal and professional passions. Quick, fun, thought-provoking, social, local, and global - Ignite is all of these and more.
Ignite TAO: SWV will focus on topics around all kinds of tech. What new products, services or research can really take technology to the next level? Speakers are from the Southern Willamette Valley community with representatives across many verticals - we want to hear from you!
Proposals should be submitted online by August 4th, 2017. Once submitted, your proposal will be reviewed by the Ignite team. Please include your contact information in case the team has questions about your proposal. Everyone who submits a proposal will be notified on the status of their application by September 8th. Click on the application link to get started!
Why attend Ignite TAO: SWV?
As an attendee, you'll learn about emerging, innovative, unconventional, inspiring, locally-sourced concepts and tools, and connect with a diverse and passionate crowd of like-minded innovation enthusiasts. Most of all, you will have fun!