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Monday, July 10, 2017 at 3:29pm.
Technology Association of Oregon
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ThursdaySep 28 2017CTO Leadership Exchange: Security Issues Keeping you up at Night
Join us for our CTO Leadership Exchange September 28th!
We will be kicking off the fall with a round table session shared with local subject matter experts in security. We'll discuss challenges met and lessons learned, compare current practices and problems, and look to the future of the CTO role as our soon-to-be-announced SMEs anchor this peer-to-peer roundtable discussion organized exclusively for senior technology leaders of TAO companies.
The meeting will take place in downtown Portland, with our location being announced to registered attendees.
TAO Leadership Exchanges provide unique opportunities for peer-to-peer discussions, solution sharing and idea generation This event is only for senior-level development and engineering leaders at TAO member companies. If you are interested in TAO membership, please contact Theresa at [email protected]