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Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 1:31pm.
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TuesdayMay 16 2017Healthcare Blockchain Technology
When Bitcoin was introduced in the early 2000s, skepticism and excitement rose on equal levels. The blockchain concept is rapidly transitioning into the healthcare space. Blockchain technology features the ability to have decentralized and distributed data that is secure, undisputed and automatically transacted without third parties.
Join us the afternoon of May 16th as we explore how this technology has evolved in recent years, as well as the compelling ways it is being introduced to a new industry such as healthcare. Healthcare blockchain has the potential of equal distribution of unified data, and could potentially go as far as disease prevention. Come join other enthusiasts in the health space to hear how automated authentication from blockchain technology is changing not only behaviors, but the way we look at systems in healthcare.
Questions to be answered during this session:
What industries are using blockchain technology successfully? What do the next 2-5 years look like for blockchain technology in healthcare? How does blockchain technology remain secure with such wide distribution of data?
Diego Espinosa - Co-founder & CEO - Healthcoin
Thomas Kluz - Investment Professional - Providence Ventures
Piyush Pushkar - Healthcare Business & Technology Executive - IBM
Marcus Estes - CEO - Chroma