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SEIU Local 503

6401 SE Foster Rd.
Portland, OR 97206, us (map)

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  • Wednesday
    Apr 5 2017
    Data Privacy PDX - Data Privacy for Activists (Encore)

    SEIU Local 503

    ENCORE WORKSHOP - For those of you who couldn't make the first workshop, here is your chance.  We will be doing this at a new location and time to make it available to more people.

    Data privacy is important to everyone, but is felt even more keenly by those who advocate for causes.  Here in Portland, everyone has something they are passionate about, and we often spend our time and energy supporting a good cause.  With privacy concerns being very real for many participants in these causes, organizers must be prepared to provide better privacy protections for the communications and data that are related to their efforts.

    This workshop is to introduce foundational data privacy strategies and teach easy solutions for helping activists protect the privacy of those they engage with and themselves.

    Greg Stromire will be hosting the workshop.  Topics will include:

    • Environment For Privacy:  Why is Privacy Essential;  Privacy, Security, & Anonymity;  Privacy Law

    •  Privacy for Communications:  Messaging;  Email;  Voice

    • Securing Your Devices:  Mobile Devices;  Personal Computers

    • Protected Internet Use:  HTTPS;  Using VPNs;  Best Practices Online

    • Data Storage for Private Data:  Encrypted Portable Devices;  Cloud Storage;  Individual Files

    This special 2-hour Data Privacy PDX workshop is free to attend and light refreshments will be provided.

    Name Tags - We will provide name tags because it helps people feel more comfortable striking up conversations, but please feel free to use your online handle, first name only, or skip the name tag if you are more comfortable. 
