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Friday, January 15, 2016 at 12:14pm.
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FridayFeb 5 2016Elevating Impact Summit
From garages to corporate offices, you will find pragmatic, creative people designing new solutions to pressing social and environmental issues and creating value for their companies, communities, and society at large. These social entrepreneurs are finding new ways to make a difference while changing how business is done. The Summit celebrates and shares new approaches to generating social and environmental impact across business, social, public, and academic sectors.
The full day program includes a social innovation pitch fest; candid keynotes with renowned social entrepreneurs; diverse perspectives on funding for social impact; how an intrapreneurial company is partnering with employers to lower national recidivism; a look at the power of zip codes vs. genetic codes in lifelong health, and an exploration of the often untold risks, failures, and first steps to creating social change.
Buy tickets at
$20 student ticket rate!
Limited ticket scholarships available, e-mail for more information.