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Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge (in Sellwood)

SE 7th Ave & Sellwood Blvd
Sellwood, Or 97202, USA (map)

Park hours: 5:00am-midnight. North parking lot closed 10:00pm-5:00am.

The Friends of Oaks Bottom is a volunteer organization working in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation for the promotion, preservation, and management of Oaks Bottom. The Friends participate in habitat restoration, trail maintenance, guided hikes, information programs, and the publication of a newsletter. For more info, call 503-823-6131.

Future events happening here

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Past events that happened here

  • Saturday
    Apr 4 2015
    iNaturalist @ Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge

    The Oaks Bottom wildlife refuge is known for its native plants and the flowers are blooming! Join us as we make a loop around the pond and document plants, animals, and fungi using the iNaturalist mobile app. We'll work together as a group, no experience needed. No phone required either as we should have plenty. We'll set out about 15 minutes after the start time so find us in the parking lot.

    RSVP on eventbrite

    Your hosts: Tim Welch and Matt Waddell

    What to bring:

    • iPhone or Android phone (if you have one)
    • Northwest plant ID book (if you have one). An excellent one for this location is "Plants of the Pacific Northwest Coast"
    • Suitable shoes/clothing (could be a little bit wet/muddy)
    • Snacks, water & drinks to share
    • A cup, plate, and spoon couldn't hurt either

    What to do before coming:

    • Create an account with iNaturalist - http://www.inaturalist.org/
    • Install the iNaturalist mobile app on your phone
    • After opening the mobile app, search for and join the 'Dots Connect' project. That will keep our groups observations together so we can all see what we accomplished.