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Tuesday, February 17, 2015 at 8:52am.
Future events happening here
WednesdayMar 19 2025Cocktails + Code (Portland Ruby Brigade)
Come join the most thrilling tech meet up in all of Portland. Chat tech projects or life stuff. Keep an eye out for nerds with name tags.
WednesdayApr 16 2025Cocktails + Code (Portland Ruby Brigade)
Come join the most thrilling tech meet up in all of Portland. Chat tech projects or life stuff. Keep an eye out for nerds with name tags.
Past events that happened here
WednesdayFeb 19 2025Cocktails + Code (Portland Ruby Brigade)
Come join the most thrilling tech meet up in all of Portland. Chat tech projects or life stuff. Keep an eye out for nerds with name tags.
WednesdayJan 15 2025Cocktails + Code (Portland Ruby Brigade)
Come join the most thrilling tech meet up in all of Portland. Chat tech projects or life stuff. Keep an eye out for nerds with name tags.
WednesdayDec 18 2024Cocktails + Code (Portland Ruby Brigade)
Come join the most thrilling tech meet up in all of Portland. Chat tech projects or life stuff. Keep an eye out for nerds with name tags.
WednesdayNov 20 2024Cocktails + Code (Portland Ruby Brigade)
Come join the most thrilling tech meet up in all of Portland. Chat tech projects or life stuff. Keep an eye out for nerds with name tags.
TuesdayFeb 24 2015PDXDrones: Starting up FPV Racing in PDX
If you're interested in helping shape the future of FPV Racing in PDX, attend this meetup! We'll talk races, equipment, rules and everything else needed to put on a good event.